Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My First Impression: The University

 My first day at the University was amazing. I was wondering what will I find at the encounter, how would be the people...and if I actually I would find the address of the college, being as it was the first time that I was visiting Vordingborg. And what was my surprise when I got off the train and there were two people holding a sign saying "WELCOME ITEPS". My mouth drew a smile in my face, and it was a great pleasure to find out that actually there were people holding signs along all the way up to the college. And here I found the first distinction regarding Danish and Spanish universities: I was at the university in Spain, and the first thing they did was warning us about the difference between the high school and the higher education, so "we could be prepared for very hard work!"

And much less you will find coffee and something to eat at the meeting room. That was awesome! But if there was something that really attracts my attention was: the tutor figure. I think it is a great idea to give a job to a student at the university, it makes people get involved and earn some money, and offer to other students the option to consult information to a very close person, being as they are also students. It is the first time I see this project, and I think the tutors around me were doing a great job.
Sadly I could not attend to the parties that the tutors organized, but I was aware of all the activities, and I think it is very well thought to get to know each other this way.
Noteworthy was also the friendliness of all the teachers and old/new students that attended the event.
And here I will take the opportunity to express my gratitude for all those people that made possible such a warm welcome.

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